Need a new running-partner?

Need a new running-partner?

It is common knowledge that people need regular exercise to live healthy lives, however, the same applies to pets. Obesity is a growing problem for pets, so taking your dog for a run is good for both of you.

Before you start running with your dog though. It is a very good idea to take it to the vet and get checked out. Just to make sure there are no joint problems you need to consider. Also, be aware that puppies need to be fully grown before you take them running in order to prevent any permanent damage to joints or bone structure.

If you have never taken your dog for a run before it needs time to adjust, to both the workout but also running on a leash. Start with a short 15 min. jogs and then gradually increase the distance and the pace. It is always important to keep an eye out for any signs of exhaustion. Dogs heat up very fast, and will often keep going if you do due to their loyal nature. If the dog is panting or drooling excessively, has difficulty breathing or the tongue has become slightly blueish, it is time to stop and take a rest.

Another thing to keep in mind is where and when you go running. Pavement heats up in the sun and can burn your dog’s paws. In addition, it is very hard on the joints for both humans and dogs. Therefore it is better for both of you to pick a dirt or grass trail since they are usually softer and well shaded.

If you follow these few tips there is no reason why your four-legged best friend cannot become your new workout buddy.


By Therese G. Hosbjerg, DVM and Technical manager at Bacterfield GMBH

2016-07-13 08:05:00
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